Mobile ear wax specialist frequently asked questions.
What to expect during the micro suction procedure? And How does the micro suction procedure work?
- Before the procedure begins, you will be required to fill out a questionnaire relating to your ear health history. The questionnaire also includes questions about your current symptoms (such as hearing loss, itching, ringing or a feeling of blockage).
- Your experienced and highly trained clinician will then discuss this questionnaire with you. The clinician may also ask you further questions.
- Your ear canal and eardrum will then be examined by inserting a speculum gently into your ear. At this point, it will be determined whether the amount of earwax you have necessitates the micro-suction procedure.
- If wax removal is determined as being clinically indicated, the procedure will be explained and an opportunity to ask questions provided.
- A very small micro-suction catheter attached to suction tubing will then be inserted directly into your ear canal.
- This catheter gently removes excess earwax – much like a tiny vacuum cleaner!
- Throughout the procedure, your clinician will carefully observe the process with an O-Scope; converging 3D lenses fitted with a bright light.
- They are used to ensure that direct vision of your ear canal and drum is maintained at all times.
How long does consultation take?
It typically takes 30 minutes to have your ears free of wax.
If ear wax can’t be removed on the first appointment, is there an additional fee for the second visit?
There’s no additional fee for the second visit.
What are the symptoms of wax impaction?
Signs of impacted wax can include (but are not limited to):
- Feeling of fullness
- Hearing loss
- Tinnitus
- Itching
- Pain
- Discharge
- Odour
- Cough
Do I receive rebates from medicare or my health fund?
This fee is not rebatable.
What qualifications do our specialist’s have?
Your qualified registered Audiologist has undertaken a Nationally Accredited Comprehensive Cerumen Management Course, and has completed an extensive practical hours in order to work safely within the ear canal and around the eardrum.
I wear hearing aids – how often should I book in?
If you have hearing aids it is a good idea to have your ears checked for wax build up every 3-6 months.
What type of payment do you take?
We take all type of payments, cash, bank transfer, credit cards and Cryptocurrency(BTC/ETH).
Do you see children? and can they be alone?
We see children down to the age of 6 years. A discussion with our friendly team is recommended prior to booking. For safety reasons, children need to be able to follow directions and keep reasonably still.
In Australia, the general position is that a person under 18 years of age is legally regarded as a minor.
Whilst NSW and SA legislation recognises a child’s ability to consent to medical treatment earlier it is the Mobile Earwax Specialist policy that any teenager under 18 years must be accompanied by a parent or authorised carer who can provide parental consent for treatment. This parent/authorised carer will be required to complete the questionnaire and consent form, and remain with the child throughout the procedure.
Does the procedure hurt?
The procedure does not hurt. The clinician will be guiding you through the whole process and thoroughly explaining the procedure. You will be informed ahead of each step.
Occasionally, people may experience mild discomfort due to the noise of the pump and during removal of very impacted wax. If mild dizziness may be experienced clinician will stop the suction to allow the dizziness to settle.
What to expect during the Ear Syringing procedure?
Ear syringing is performed by squirting ungodly amounts of water into the ear, to dislodge wax. Today, ear syringing is a much more refined process, using just the right amount of water to remove wax, without risking damage to the ear.
What to expect during the procedure?
Your clinician will examine your ear canal to check for infection, and confirm that you have an excessive amount of wax that needs to be removed.
Then a syringe-like tool is used to spray a water and saline solution into your ear, which dislodges the wax and flushes it out.
Ear irrigation only takes a couple of minutes to complete, and while it can feel a little strange, you shouldn’t feel any pain. If you do, you should let the clinician know, as this may be a symptom of infection.
Do i need to get my ears syringed?
While blocked ears are often caused by excessive wax, this isn’t always the case. You may have water trapped in your ear, a sinus infection, a middle ear infection, or a blockage caused by allergies. Blocked ears can also occur from quick altitude changes, as you may have noticed when flying. If you have a persistently blocked ear, the best thing to do is talk to your doctor, as they will be able to quickly diagnose the problem.
Ear syringing risks?
Modern ear syringing is safe, but as with most medical procedures, there are risks. These include the risk of ear infection (the most common risk), a perforated eardrum, vertigo, and temporary deafness.
Common side effects of ear syringing include temporary dizziness, discomfort or pain, and tinnitus.
What are the method of ear wax removal?
If you’d rather not have your ears syringed, there are other more effective ways to complete ear wax removal. Our services also include micro suction which is safe and effective.
Are ear candles safe ?
Ear candles are still sold in Australia, but we don’t recommend them. They can obstruct your ear canal, and perforate your eardrum. You also shouldn’t attempt to remove ear wax using cotton buds, because you’ll just push the wax further into your ear drum, and potentially cause an infection. The best treatment for a blocked ear is to have them professionally examined by a professional.
How immediate response works and how much does it cost?
Please call 000 incase of an emergency.
Immediate response is when an individual has gotten an object in their ear by accident or an insect has flue into their ear and wants it removed as soon as possible at the comfort of their home. The cost of this appointment will be as normal appointments and call out fees with an addition of $149. (i.e. One patient wants to do 2 ears with the micro suction method, in Sydney and Suburb, and after 9:00 pm. It will be $99 + $29 + $149).
How do you use ear drops?
Lie down with your affected ear facing up.
Gently pull your ear back to help straighten the ear canal.
Hold the dropper over the ear and squeeze out recommended drops (typically 4 to 5 drops of antibiotics per dose).
What should I do to prepare for my appointment?
It is recommended that you use ear drops to soften the earwax 3-5 days prior to your clinician’s arrival.
If you have more questions,
please do not hesitate to get in touch.
Give us a call at 1300 EAR DOC (1300 327 362) or complete the form here to submit an enquiry. We look forward to hearing from you.